• Consolidate the generation and supply of quality electric power to the wholesale market within corporate parameters assuring a strict quality control.
• Provide the different sectors of society and industry with quality electric power and in sufficient quantities that contribute to the combined development of these populations. Carry out policies that assure a strict compliance with each of the legal and corporate environmental regulations. Llevar adelante políticas que aseguren el estricto cumplimiento de cada una de las normas y disposiciones legales y corporativas sobre aspectos medioambientales.
• Improve efficiency in power generation to offer electricity at a lower cost, investing in projects and improvements that make us more competitive.
Energía del Sur S.A. (EDS) is one of the largest thermoelectric generating plants in the Argentinean Patagonia. Our plant is located in the province of Chubut, in the city of Comodoro Rivadavia on Km. 12 of Route 39, in the Ciudadela district.
It`s Combined Cycle has an installed capacity of 138 Mw composed of : 2 General Electric turbo generators Frame 6 – 6001B.- DNL 1, that utilize natural gas as fuel and an ABB vapor turbine of 60 MW.
Our policy is to care for and protect our human resources. This is demonstrated by 52,284 accident free hours, 2,177 accident free days as of September 2004.
• Integrity
• Safety
• Competitveness
• Respect for the Environment