The environment has always been of interest and concern for Energía del Sur. The increased environmental deterioration does not elude our activity and we are concious of the necessity of adopting policies that hel preduce environmental impact as a result of power generation.
Even more so in a context of strict legislation, new economic policies, environmental protection measures and increased concern of the community regarding environmental issues.
Energia del Sur carries out its operations with respecting the environment with a commitment to efficiency in power generation in a world where the shortage of natural resources increases.
Accepting this environmental challenge, Energia del Sur complies to all legal norms, and establishes the precise procedures to guarantee rational use of resources and minimization of waste, thus contributing to the country’s sustainable development and in particular to that of the Patagonian región.
With the objective of keeping under control the environmental variables inherent to the plant’s electricity generation, Energía del Sur implements environmental plans with objectives, goals and a management program in compliance to resolution 555/01 and ASPA Nº1/2010 of the National Electricity Regulatory Body (ENRE) and provincial and municipal legislation.
We have defined a Environmental Policy of our own, adapted to nature, our surroundings, the scale and environmental impact of the activities, products and services of our plant and which is expressed in the Environmental Management System which has been certified by the Bureau Veritas.
Said system’s procedures, manuals and registries are in accordance with ISO Norm 14.001:2004, and periodic audits are carried out to verify compliance and which contribute to improving processes.
The Environmental Management System includes studies and reports that cover:
• Registry of movement of solid and liquid waste.
• Programming and execution of spill, fire and injury simulations.
• Measurement of atmospheric emissions.
• Security Inspections(extinguishers, emergency showers, Chemical substance stock).
• Inspecciones de seguridad (extintores, duchas de emergencia, Actualización Stock Sustancias Químicas).
• Sound level measurments.
• Physical-chemical and bacteriological analisis of drainage Análisis físico químico y bacteriológico de efluentes, y del agua proveniente de drenajes, purgas del ciclo y rechazos de planta de agua.
• Environmental Certificate.
• Permanent Registry of Industries ( a registry created by the Govt. of Chubut Provinvce).
• Inscription and reinscription in the Registry of Chemical Precursors ( RENPRE / SEDRONAR).
These reports in addition to the plant procedures that guarantee the rational use of resources, minimization of wastes and prevention of contamination assure that plant operations minimize impact on the environment.