Energía del Sur S.A. (EDS) is one of the largest thermoelectric generating plants in the Argentinean Patagonia It`s Combined Cycle has an installed capacity of 138 Mw that supplies diverse sectors of society and the power industry with sufficient quality and quantity to contribute to the development of the population as a whole.
EDS has carried out a sustainted expansión plan since 2004 with a total of U$S 55 million invested. The last leg of the plan addition was the installation of a 60 Mw steam turbine and two heat recovery generators incrementing EDS`s installed capacity by 77%. This addition permitted EDS to become the world’s first combined cycle to successfully complete registration in the United Nations Framework for the Clean Development Mechanism defined in the Kyoto Protocol. It is estimated that the Patagonian plant will reduce approximately 500,000 tons of carbón dioxide emissions between 2009 and 2012 thanks to the additional energy generated by switching from a simple to a combined cycle.