Energía del Sur thermoelectric plant in COmodoro Rivadavia, Argentina


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EDS installs Combined Cycle at
plant in Comodoro Rivadavia

Energía del Sur’s new plant is a combined cycle with an output of 128. It`s turbines, currently in use, are fed with natural gas and generate up to 78 MW.

Project Execution

Given the size of the project, its execution took into consideration the use of modern management techniques normally used in this type of initiatives. To that effect, to reduce the construction’s duration as much as posible, full coordination of project management, supplies and services was implemented. To insure that restrictions in power transmission or problems with short-circuit power limit, we contracted Energy Business (Rosario- Argentina ) that submitted the report " Preliminary Studies of Expansion of Central Patagonia". It was shown that there were no inconveniences for the normal functioning of the plant and that power could be supplied without restrictions.

The environmental impact study was commisioned to Maria Eugenia Ivanissevich , who complied with all the requisites of the Ministry of Environment.

The team that carried out the Project was formed by first class professionals from equipment manufacturers and service companies. EPC (Engineering, Procurements and Construction) was the process in which the project was undertaken and described as follows:


Given the characteristics of the equipment that was installed (new and used) the execution of the project was carried out with preliminary engineering that permitted us to evaluate possible risks when assembling our gas turbines with the vapor turbine and its air condensor during the normal functioning of the plant. It’s worth mentioning that the the vapor turbine and aerocondensor purchased were previously operating in a combined cycle plant similar to the one we built.

Our study was based on the technical experience of our personnel, our associates and of the firm COLMAQUINAS S.A. that utilized an engineering program specially designed for combined cycles developed by THERMOFLOW of USA. In addition, to assure that that the vapor turbine would work in the new conditions, we requested various studies form the turbine’s manufacturer, ALSTOM of Switzerland.

After the preliminary studies were carried out, contract was awarded to CAPIME Ingeniería S.A. to assist us in the Project management. This company has broad experience and know-how in these type of projects.

The engineering required to disassemble the vapor turbine and its air condensor installed at the HAZELTON plant of William Power in Pennsylvania was developed locally.

Civil Engineering (structure and foundation) was carried out by OLIVERA-LAFON. This firm verified the calculations of all plant structures that would be submitted to the particular climatic conditions of Comodoro Rivadavia – where the winds are strong. They were also responsible for the design of all necessary foundations especially the most important - the one belonging to the vapor turbine.


Procurement services were carried out by CAPIME Ingeniería S.A.

Patagonia Energy Ltd. supplied the vapor turbine, the air condensor and associated equipment from the Hazleton plant.

Disassembly, packing and transfer of all equipment and materials to the port of exit were carried out by Jan Trucking & Rigging Co.

96 containers arrived at the Comodoro Rivadavia port from Hazelton, PA. This shipment included the vapor turbine, generator, the ACC and auxiliary systems. On October 20, 2007, the HRSG manufactured by Vogt arrived. Preparation of the site – foundations for the turbine and generator – that would receive the equipment from Hazelton began in April 2006. On July 12, 2010, CAMMESA authorized start-up of the combined cycle plant to supply wholesale electricity market.
Energía de Sur COmbined Cycle Plant





Disassembly of ACC System






HRSG Stack !1








HRSG flue gas duct






ACC System







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